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Research Team (UMD): Steven A. Gabriel, Mehmet F. Genc, Prawat Sahakij, Supat Kiet

Research Team (UCLM): Antonio Conejo, Miguel Angel Plazas
Research Team (ANB): Swaminathan Balakrishnan ("Bala")


Dr. Steven A. Gabriel, Dr. Antonio Conejo (UCLM=Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain) and several of their current and former graduate students (Mehmet F. Genc, M.S., CEE 2001; Supat Kiet, Ph.D. Candidate, CEE; Prawat Sahakij, Ph.D. Candidate, CEE; Miguel Angel Plazas, Ph.D. UCLM, 2006), and S. Balakrishnan (ANB Enterprises, Inc.) have built simulation and optimization models to guide electric power retailers in their load forecasting and risk management programs and contracts with both suppliers and end-users.

Selected Recent Papers

  1. S. A. Gabriel, M.F. Genc, and S. Balakrishnan, 2002. "A Simulation Approach to Balancing Annual Risk and Reward in Retail Electrical Power Markets," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 17 (4), 1050-1057.
  2. S. A. Gabriel, P. Sahakij, S. Balakrishnan, 2004. "Optimal Retailer Load Estimates Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming," ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering, 130(1), 1-17.
  3. S. A. Gabriel, S. Kiet, S. Balakrishnan, 2004. "A Mixed Integer Stochastic Optimization Model for Settlement Risk in Retail Electric Power Markets ," Networks and Spatial Economics, 4, 323-345.
  4. S. A. Gabriel, A. J. Conejo, M. A. Plazas, S. Balakrishnan, 2006. "Optimal Price and Quantity Determination for Retail Electric Power Contracts," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 21(1), 180-187.

Selected Recent Presentations

  1. The Contract Design Problem in Retail Electric Power Markets (invited talk with A. Conejo, M.A. Plazas, and S. Balakrishan), INFRADAY Conference on Infrastructure, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin Germany, October 6-7, 2006.
  2. The Contract Design Problem in Retail Electric Power Markets (invited talk with A. Conejo, M.A. Plazas, and S. Balakrishnan), INFORMS Conference, Denver, Colorado, Oct. 24-27, 2004.
  3. Optimal Retail Forward Load Estimates for the Texas Market Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming, (invited talk with P. Sahakij and S. Balakrishnan), INFORMS Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 2003.



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